Thursday, June 27, 2024

Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Dad

Growing up in our household was like a roller coaster ride, what with slow suspenseful climbs, ups & downs, twists & turns, and brain-rattling rails and wooden supports of questionable construction. I can recall twice being so scared I thought I would die from nervousness if not at my father's hands. We always played outside, most often with the doors locked and orders not to try to come in until called in. One afternoon I thought it would be cool to set our garden hose to the ground and, while running full blast see how far into the ground it would go. I guess I let my little water drilling exercise go on a little longer than I should've and the hose ended up getting stuck, though I cannot recall how far down it'd gone. I felt like vomiting for what seemed at the time like hours until I finally somehow managed to pull that hose out. Yeah, something so stupid would've gotten me the beating of a lifetime. The other moment, which I believe went on for several days, was when I was forced to answer a phone call while my father stood feet away, always reluctant to answer calls himself due to who the fuck knows what. I wasn't even 12 at the time, and I tried my best to remember what the caller said (it was obviously someone who was owed money or something), and when I was unable to relay the message to my father who was now towering over me, he threatened me with my life if the guy didn't call back. 

What's that? My hour's up already? Okay, see you next week Doc.

Monday, June 17, 2024

A Note Left

 I've always felt like I won the lottery. I mean, I have a loving wife and daughter, an enviable job, more friends than I can give my rare sparetime to, and about as much control of my alcohol consumption as one could want. A fair portion of said friends envy my wealth and possessions.

Money has never been a problem, and my wife spends more on herself and our girl than most ever get to. Rufus, our Golden Retriever, adores me as I do him. My sleek black '24 Range Rover occupies our attached two-bay, surrounded by but safely distanced from my seldom-used DeWALT collection. Here's where things get sticky. They're getting too close. Investigating the latest discovery- my most recent mistake- and following a lead from an alleged eyewitness, the police are zeroing in. Oh sure, I haven't been questioned yet, but it's coming. I can feel it. What I thought was a stretch of lonesome former cattle path was popular with joggers and the like. I'd gotten lazy and didn't dig this one deep enough.
 Unable to feel remorse and regretting only that I was about to get caught, I felt the time was right. Goodbyes suck, so this will have to do. I'm sorry, Susie. You were the best. Jill, listen to your mom. Grow up to be the best. Rufus, don't worry, pal. Your mom will likely meet someone who'll love you almost as much as I did. God, past tense really hits home. My clock is ticking. My girls are off to visit the in-laws for the weekend. Fuck the garden hose; this calls for the leftover length of flexible foil dryer vent. See, I'm actually using some of my tools (if you consider duct tape a tool). I know this is chicken shit. I'm sorry, but only because I know Susie will be the one who finds me. Please don't hate me, Sue.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Can't Make This Shit Up

So I created a post on a certain classified ad website looking for a cheap apartment where I might be able to trade my handyman skills for a reduced rent.  It took a week or so, but my first reply came from a male person being who said he had a house-share arrangement that he thought might work, but he wanted me to know up front that he favored walking around the house naked.  "As long as you're okay with that, maybe we can talk," he added.  He also added pictures. I threw up my trail mix and now I'm sad because I don't feel like replacing it.

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Scolding Turds or Something- I Tend to Ramble About Shit, and I Think One of My Neighbors is Being Abused Regularly

 From my bed and with the door opened just so, I can watch at night every time one of the aids slips into the room across the hall from mine and then back out approximately fifteen minutes later.  I'm sure he thinks the nighttime trysts go unnoticed, though I'm also sure he likely wouldn't give a shit that one of his charges knew what he was up to, but that's all for another time.  

I'm dealing with a gastro-whatever-the-fuck issue at the moment, on top of everything else (or, more directly, what put me here in the first place- again, another time), and the daytime pain, cramps and bloated sensation are replaced at night with the ability to actually feel my shit- or the stuff that'll become my shit- sliding its eventual way towards daylight. 

The cold, hard plastic seat slides to one side as I plant my cheeks firmly, and I'm reminded that I've yet to let anyone who might give a fuck know that one of the seat bolts has snapped off.  I know they have a maintenance "team" here, though I've never actually seen anything being repaired and it seems more and more each day that anything falling into disrepair here shall remain so for eternity.

I'm usually pretty regular on my own, thanks, though I'm certain we're all given daily laxatives in some of the bland heaps of garbage that arrive in front of us three times a day, and almost as soon as I'm seated my shit slides right out of me, jetting into the bowl with great shit-determination.  


Friday, March 18, 2022

Spendthrift (I'm trying to be nice here)

So anyway- 

It's amazing how fucking wasteful some people are.  I know of a human being, generally a good person to my face but in all honesty quite shallow and self-important, who puts on this air of   "save the environment", "recycle", "healthy habits", "reduce/reuse", "compost", etc., etc., etc.  Said wastrel probably tosses out more food in a week than I buy in two or three.

  Yeah, the broccoli, parsley, peppers, yams and oranges were in his trash. And don't even get me started on another bag the following week that weighed about 40 lbs. and was full of partially eaten takeout, ribs, steak, sausages, a full, unopened container of fresh chicken breasts, soups, sauces, and yeah, more produce that was only slightly not fresh.  And he's the type that only buys "the best", so you know it's not the cheap shit that the average person can only afford.  In today's world, where so many are struggling to make ends meet and can't afford even the basics, seeing this shit makes me sick to my stomach.

Okay, I'm done.

Sunday, October 31, 2021

A New Addiction

Well, that last one scared even me.  It was too long ago to remember what I was feeling at the time, so there's no explaining it.  Plus, my brain- and my creative abilities- have hit a wall that I hope is only temporary.  Anyway, this post's about addiction.  I'm struggling with an addiction of sorts, though not in the way you're probably thinking.  I'm addicted to a particular jobs website because I'm having employment issues.  Don't get me wrong- I've got a decent job, but things change, you know, life changes.  I've been poring over job listings, sucking up all the time I'd ordinarily be writing or reading, eagerly rising at ridiculous hours, hurrying to log in and enter all sorts of search terms.  One thing that's become crazy clear: employers should pay closer attention.  With staffing shortages, changes brought on by the pandemic and workers emboldened by new opportunities like working from home, starting their own businesses and the like , it's looking from the amount of time I spend searching like employers aren't catching on and upping their salary game to keep up with what's going on.  In my field of "expertise" which shall for the time be left unknown the salary ranges I'm seeing posted are insulting.  But it's not only in jobs for which I'd be qualified.  All fields seem to be sorely, disgustingly lacking.  Many employers should be embarrassed by what wallet squalor they're offering vs. the qualifications they're looking for.  I don't get it, especially in this age of new flexibility for job seekers.  In my particular field alone there are countless positions requiring degrees and boundless experience, yet offering hourly salaries that would make highschoolers scoff.   

Friday, October 1, 2021


 i am an apple

You know that saying

i'm sure you've all heard it

or maybe even said it yourself at

one time or another

i have no control over where i landed

or how close to the tree

sometimes when you cut into an apple that appears fresh clean and wholesome you find a small dark spot

a spot of rot so to speak

a spot of rot that should be cut out

the apple is good overall but theres that dark spot and sometimes it grows until the apple should be dispatched discarded and sometimes it just stays the same and no action need be taken

if the apple is never cut into the spot will never be found and the apple will appear insert air quotes here normal
